Des choses que j'imagine - Tirage de tête 180 € Des choses que j'imagine - Prévente 25 € Ar(t)chitectures situées 20 € This Machine Kills Fascists 5 € Johnny, est-ce que tu m'aimerais si j’avais une plus grosse bite ? 20 € The Surplus of the Non-Producer 28 € Les recettes de madame Perez pour un destin parfait 5 € «–Mais le monde est une mangrovité.» 20 € Affiche - Anthologie Douteuses (2010-2020) Sold out € Anthologie Douteuses (2010—2020) 22 € The J.L. Mott Iron Works - Limited edition 35 € The J.L. Mott Iron Works 15 € Les recettes de madame Perez pour un destin parfait Sold out € Le régime parfait Sold out € L’art finira par gagner Épuisé € Défense d’Afficher Sold out € Fiévreuse plébéienne Sold out € Fiévreuse plébéienne Sold out € Personal is Political Sold out € La Vie au grand air Sold out € Nouvelles de l’Ouest Sold out € Toutes les filles rêvent d’un prisonnier Sold out € J’ai quitté Paris Sold out € Our books are available in a wide network of bookshops in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Quebec. Due to their price, low print run, or lack of ISBN number, some items are only available for sale on our website or at our stand at publishing fairs. Distribution: Hobo Distribution France and Belgium: Makassar Rest of the world: Rotolux Press
Rotolux Press is a non-profit publishing house founded in 2015 by Léna Araguas and Alaric Garnier. Rotolux Press supports and disseminates contemporary creation by publishing singular projects of varying scope, around art, design, poetry, literature, photography and drawing. The decompartmentalization of these disciplines is one of the driving forces behind the publishing house, and the attention we pay to a certain idea of the margins defines its editorial line over time. Each Rotolux Press book is tailor-made, based on the artistic and political affinities between the authors and ourselves. We try to find the best possible balance between content, form and the economic constraints specific to each project. As a result, the formats, typefaces, layout, printing and binding techniques are renewed for each publication. Please send all manuscripts to the following address: . We are a very small team. As we receive many manuscript submissions, we are not able to read them all. We apologize in advance if you do not receive a reply from us. We will get back to you if your project catches our attention.
Rotolux Press 176, rue Edouard Maury 94 120 Fontenay-sous-Bois FRANCE rotoluxpress(at) Alaric Garnier : +33(0)6 86 73 72 98 Léna Araguas : +33(0)6 75 51 61 83
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